My idea to launch a website started in February of 2020.
My passion is health and wellness in all of its various forms. One of my favorite phrases is:
“Let thy food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”
- Hippocrates (400BC)
I truly believe that our nutrition plays
a major role in our overall wellness
and health.
Another professional passion of mine is health education. My goal is to provide, safe, reliable, efficacious health information that is easy to understand.
Fun Fact:
Did you know that a pound of muscle weighs the same as a
pound of fat?
On this site, you will find information in various media formats, including
blogs and videos.
To stay connected, please add, follow and share this website with anyone you believe would benefit from the information. Also, please share your email so that
you can be added to our mailing list.
We appreciate you! Thank you for your visit.
But Wait There Is More!
Pursue your life with passion, a plan, and high faith. Write your vision
down and make it plain! As you think, so you are!
Your Servant,
Nurse, Patricia

As the daughter of Guyanese immigrant parents, she has experienced first-hand what it means to work hard and strive to achieve one’s goals. As an African American woman, she has witnessed some of the disparities associated with being a woman of color. As a mother of two school-aged children, she understands the value of family and closeness.
She received her undergraduate degrees in nursing at CUNY Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, NY, AAS (Cum Laude) in 2005 and BSN (Magna Cum Laude) in 2008. She is currently completing her Graduate degree at Walden University in Nurse Executive Leadership.
One of the highlights of Patricia’s career to date, has been her selection to inoculate Kamala Harris, the first African American female Vice President of the United States, with her first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The title “Nurse Patricia” was fondly used by the Vice President as she thanked Patricia after receiving her vaccine.
Patricia has embarked on a quest to utilize her newfound notoriety and platform to spread awareness about current health care issues and to evoke positive change in health-seeking behaviors.
Patricia Cummings is an experienced, passionate nurse leader and professional, who has emerged as a thought leader and spokesperson for health and wellness. As a nurse of over 15 years, she has worked with diverse populations and understands some of the challenges that hinder positive health seeking behaviors.